A Quick Reminder: 10 Common Ways That I Could Still Lose My Life in The United States

Death in the graveyard 


Lately I've been worrying about whether or not I'm going to die a natural death and I don't believe that I will live a very long life. I've been through too much sh*t in my life and have had many near death experiences. These are some of the unnatural ways that I might die. 

1. Gunshot Wounds

I might get shot to death by a crazy person. There is no way to prevent that unless I'm dressed in bulletproof gear from head to foot 24/7, 365 days a year. Is that even legal? 

2. Stab wounds 

I might get stabbed to death by a crazy person. There is no way to prevent that, unless I'm dressed in stab proof clothing 365 days a year.

3. Poisoned

I might get poisoned by a random stranger while on a date or something. To prevent this, I never let strangers fix my drinks or food. I always prepare them myself. 

4. Drug overdose 

I might accidentally meet a drug dealer and take a lethal dose of fentanyl. I almost died in 2021, back in Chicago Illinois from that. I learned not to buy drugs off the street because you never know what you're taking. 

5. Drowning 

I might fall into the water while I'm filming a video. Or I might die during a flood or a severe hurricane. I don't always have somewhere safe to go when those storm warnings hit my cellphone, especially flood warnings. I usually ignore those. My father, whose name is Delma Ben Batson Jr., drowned in 2018, in Portsmouth Virginia, and it was on the news. He fell off the pier and didn't know how to swim. I still don't know how to swim. I never learned. I mentioned my father dying in my 2022 song "Too much beef"

After my father drowned and passed away, I became a target for a sickening amount of sexual predators and bullies because he was no longer alive to protect me. Some of the bullies are mentally challenged and don't understand what I have to go through. The predators never changed. They're still out to get me, and it hurts. I'm glad I was a grown adult when he died because if I was a child, the outcome would have been even more tragic on my end. Luckily, I was mature enough to handle the pain.

6. Animal Attack 

It is still possible that I could get attacked by an animal. That animal could be a wild bear, a dog, a snake, a bat with rabies, an alligator, or a shark. I do alot of solo camping, and I usually try to steer clear of wild animals but a freak accident could still occur.

7. Beat to Death 

A violent person could beat me to death and I might not wake back up. That type of death can not be prevented.

8. Car Accident 

I drive alot of old cars. I haven't been in an accident in 18 years, but a car could still malfunction when I least expected. Or a crazy driver with road rage might end me. I decided to buy a dash cam for my car so I could capture footage of me driving. I almost died back in 2020 when I was on my way to Washington DC to buy weed. That was before weed was legalized in Virginia. It was snowing very hard and my car slid off of the road. Luckily I survived and didn't die, but I could have. I learned not to drive in the snow, especially for a long distance. I also have to be careful when it rains too because the road can be very slippery. 

9. A fire 

Someone could throw a firebomb at me or I could die in a forest fire. To prevent this, I usually spray all of my clothes with flame retardant spray and I carry fire extinguisher with me. I also try to buy fireproof balaclavas and blankets. My tent is fireproof as well. Flame resistant clothing solves that problem also. It is also important to make sure I don't go camping in a dry area, or an area where frequent fires occur.

10. Starvation, Hyperthermia, Decapitation, AIDS, Disease, or Hypothermia 

The only way that any of that would actually happen to me is if I were literally kidnapped, stripped of everything I have, and driven to a remote wilderness or desert where I am dropped off naked and cannot escape, or if I was kidnapped and tied to a chair and decapitated. I could also die if I was kidnapped and raped and held against my will and the person spreads a fatal disease to me and I can't escape to get medical treatment. That would suck. 


At the end of the day, everyone is going to die one day. I just know that the way I'm going to die might not be anywhere near natural. I can feel the unnatural death taking over, and I am doing everything I can to prevent it. My life was harder than most, and I spent most of my life getting bullied by nasty, greedy, nosey, dangerous incestuous bullies and heinous, negligent predators. 

I can't escape abuse, rejection, bullying, or domestic violence 

Some people can escape bullying, sexual molestation, harassment, stalking, and domestic violence. I'm not so lucky. I can't get away from people that don't love me. Everytime I try to escape, they start telling lies on me and threatening me and they become more possessive, extremely sickening, and extremely disgusting and gross. Their abuse towards me is on another level. I'm going to get bullied and harassed by incestuous, jealous, gay predators for the rest of my life! There's nothing I can do about the abuse and neglect! There's no god! 

They're more sickening to me than feces and boogers on a hamburger: The heinous, dangerous predators have no gender and come from all walks of life 

Both men and women are possessive, sickening, and gay towards me and I'm not even gay. There's alot of them. They don't care about me and want me to suffer every day that I wake up. I hide my face under a mask every single day and I try to distance myself from their incestuous gay kind as much as possible but they're still extremely thirsty and nosey and they know who I am. I don't want to know those kinds of people. I wish they didn't know me at all and I wish they weren't nosey. They're all the same and they all want to drag me down into a hellhole with them. The incest people that keep bullying me, framing me, and pestering me, are extremely ugly, greedy, sick, twisted, flaw, and they all stink like feces 24/7 and will never back off of me so that someone else can love me and treat me with respect. 
My new book Living Around Dangerous Human Predators and How to Survive Them Part 2 is still being written to this very day. It is my goal to release the book next year some time. I'm not a best selling author so there's no need to rush. I've already said that. 

Some people live to see an old age, some people don't. I might be one of the ones that don't. Halloween is right around the corner, I just hope I don't turn into a real life tragedy. Hopefully the simple rules in my book, can help save the little bit of life that I still have left. 

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