Rapper Oya Obinidodo Selected at The Widescreen Film Festival For Multiple Films

'I Gotta Clean Slate' from Oya Obinidodo's second solo 'The Ruff Owtdowz' recieved quarter Finalist at the Widescreen Film Festival.
The event date November 7th, 2024.

Oya Obinidodo's short film 'Discovering DNA: A True Short Story' was selected at the 2024 Widescreen Film Festival. 

Discovering DNA is a short narrative documentary about the rappers experience behind bars and also takes an ethnicity DNA test for the very first time to discover her heritage.

Oya Obinidodo's very first stage performance ever! Received Quarter Finalist at the 2024 Widescreen Film Festival! Watch the performance on Vimeo!

'Take A Flight' from Oya Obinidodo's second solo album recieved a Quarter Finalist selection at the 2024 Widescreen Film Festival in Toronto Canada!

The Widescreen Film Festival Website:

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