No Females Allowed Records: How To Protect Yourself In A Fight, Avoiding Sex Trafficking Rings

No Females Allowed Records podcast number 6
No Females Allowed Records podcast number 6 2024. Oya Obinidodo. All rights reserved.

On podcast number six, I am giving self defense techniques that listeners can use if they were to ever find themselves in a domestic violence situation, a sex trafficking ring, a gang initiation, or in a random street fight or planned street fight. Please excuse my southern ebonics, as it is the only way I know how to talk. 

This is a real, unscripted, and raw podcast. Don't forget to subscribe to me on YouTube and on Dailymotion. At the end of the podcast, I accidentally said my phone number wrong too. I meant to say 1-888-491-1626. I didn't want to re-record the whole thing just to try to sound perfect.

No Females Allowed Records: How To Protect Yourself In A Fight, Avoiding Sex Trafficking Rings [[ Explicit ]]

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