
Showing posts from January, 2024

A Deeper Perspective: Four Reasons Why I will Always be Single

Image Source: Cottonbro Studio  Introduction  I've been single all of my life. When I was in my 20's, going out with men was a lot easier of course because I was younger and had a lot more patience and tolerance for strangers. Since I've been in my 30's it is much harder. My tolerance for meeting strangers has drastically declined due to the domestic violence, stalking, and bullying I've endured. I got tired of meeting men who were all the same. Poverty Poverty is one of the main reasons why I will always be single. No real man wants to date a woman that is poor, and they are not going to take care of me because they have too many other options to choose from. Where I live, poverty is not very common. I fall into an extremely small percentage of poverty infested people compared to the average monthly income. The majority of the people in the state where I am are middle class. If I was wealthier, my chances of meeting a man that will stick around would drastically in

Incest Pest Gang: The Most Deadliest Gang on the East Coast

Image Source: Ncognet0 Warning: This article contains profanity, extreme violence, and my personal hate towards gays, bullies, and people with gay incestuous faces Taking their hate seriously  There is a violent and deadly gang on the East Coast. The gang, whose name has been changed to IPG - Incest Pest Gang, is always causing terror to me. I am not writing this blog to speak up for others. No one reads my blogs anyway. I am writing this blog to speak from my own experiences and my own perspective. Incest Pest Gang crimes range from incest, to stalking, harassment, kidnapping, human trafficking, pimping and pandering, spying, theft, wire fraud, money laundering, assault, malicious wounding, and rape.  Everytime I try to run away from Incest Pest Gang they start telling lies on me. They start saying 'That lady is a disgusting copycat of our family ", when in reality I don't know anyone's family from a can of paint. I don't even know my own family how the fuck do th

The Gruesome Travel History of Oya Obinidodo

  Published by Oya Obinidodo  ©2024 Today I wrote and published a documentary about myself on a YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion. It is called The Gruesome Travel History of Oya Obinidodo . It's about how I solo traveled the United States as a migrant and how things never turned out the way I expected to. All the events in this documentary are true.  Watch 'The Gruesome Travel History of Oya Obinidodo' Now! 

I'm Not Jealous of My Opps at All

Image Source: Designer491 Today was just another day. I heard voices inside my head calling me horrifying names just like I do any other day. The verbal assaults are awful. I believe that my enemies, whom I refer to as opps, and have been calling them that for several years now, get a kick out of me hearing the voices. It's really dirty and disgusting how people pick on my mental condition. They never do anything to make it better. That's how I know alot of people have problems.  I don't look for anything from anybody because in my eyes, everyone is seriously fucked up, and can't do anything nice for me. I don't look at their social media pages and get jealous of anyone's life. People treat me so horribly that I don't see anything to be jealous of. I know that the people that treat me wrong are fucked up people, and I know that they are extremely stank. I'm not impressed with anything they have. They turn me off more and more. I'm not the type to lus

Strategies to Thrive as an Unpopular Music Artist

  Image credit: gilaxia  Strategies to Thrive as an Unpopular Music Artist Introduction In a world where music and talent abound, thriving as an unpopular music artist can seem like an almost insurmountable task. For many, it may feel like an uphill battle, filled with obstacles and challenges at every turn. Yet, there are ways for unpopular artists to excel in this competitive industry, expand their fan base, and even flourish. Definition of an Unpopular Music Artist So, who exactly is an unpopular music artist? Is it someone with less than a hundred followers on Spotify? Or an artist who sings to an empty room at a dingy bar? Simply put, an unpopular music artist is someone who hasn't yet found their footing or popularity in the mainstream music industry, despite showing potential and talent. Challenges Faced by Unpopular Music Artists in the Industry Unpopular music artists face a slew of challenges, few of which include: - Breaking into an already saturated market - Building a

Just Another Wednesday in East Coast Hell

  Image credit: Vex collective  It seems strange that in order to properly introduce myself and my surroundings to you, I need to clarify some details that many would consider taboo or unsavory to discuss. Yes, my introduction to you is unlike most you'll read - not because I want to be unconventional, but because the circumstances of my existence deem it so.   I live on the east coast in a neighborhood known more for its despair than its hope. It's a dark, repugnant underbelly of a world that so many fail to acknowledge or recognize. On my street, pimps and madams have set up a nightmarish, twisted bazaar of humanity, where human dignity is cast aside, their basic essence and worth traded in exchange for momentary pleasure and money. I'm often faced with confused, judgmental expressions when people learn about where I live. The immediate presumption is that if a person is dwelling in such an area, they must, of course, be part of this unspeakable business. However, let me

Navigating Non-Christian Identity: Strategies for Surviving Religious Discrimination

Image credit: CreativaImages Navigating Non-Christian Identity: Strategies for Surviving Religious Discrimination Introduction The reality of the modern world is that it isn’t always easy navigating non-Christian identities. Despite the clear need for acceptance and a vibrant celebration of diversity, countering religious discrimination remains an issue across various communities worldwide. It's time to clarify what it is and highlight why it's essential to foster a culture that celebrates diversity instead of allowing religious barriers. Definition of Religious Discrimination Religious discrimination is the unjust or prejudiced treatment of individuals or groups based on their religious beliefs or lack thereof. It entails: - Being treated unfairly because of your religion - Being denied the same rights or opportunities as others because of your faith - Being subjected to hate speech or violence due to your religious beliefs Importance of Embracing Diversity and Acceptance Embr

Breaking the Cycle: Overcoming Abuse and Neglect in Extreme Poverty

  Breaking the Cycle: Overcoming Abuse and Neglect in Extreme Poverty Introduction Abuse and neglect in extreme poverty aren’t superficial terms. They reflect the gruesome reality that robs countless individuals of their fundamental human rights—right to life, survival, and development. These terms cover an array of physical, emotional, and sexual abuses, including domestic violence, child labor, child trafficking, and many others. Neglect, juxtaposed by this harsh reality, stands for hunger, malnutrition, lack of sanitation, hygiene, healthcare, or a secure place to live - elements that should be guaranteed for every human being. Definition of Abuse and Neglect in the Context of Extreme Poverty Abuse in extreme poverty is an unordered symphony of physical, psychological, and sexual harm, often facilitated within the family, community, structural, or systemic level. The perpetrators may include immediate family members, relatives, neighbors, or larger systems like the government. On th

Living on the Fringe of Society: My Extreme Poverty

Empty wallet- Image Source - Pixabay  Each passing day feels like a punishment. I watch helplessly as poverty slowly gobbles up the last remnants of my once-hopeful spirit. What makes it worse? I live under the specter of knowing it's only going to get grimmer by 2026. I find it hard to put into words the feeling of extreme poverty that overwhelms me, it's like being under water; muffled and suffocated, as the rest of the world looks different and brighter from down below. People from all walks of life fail to comprehend how consuming this dark pit is. There's an unbearable burden and despair that does not get any easier. The frail thread that I've been clinging on to, that sustains me currently, is a welfare check. Unfortunately, the foreboding clock is ticking and by 2026, my son will be 18, which means the aid will cease forever. A wave of helplessness and fear surges over me as I think about how my little boy, then a young man, will witness this struggle and fight

Surviving Disgust: Navigating Through a World Filled with Incestuous Abuse

Mental health Problem- Image Source: FreePik Feeling disgust is normal when you've been treated horribly. It's the mind's way of expressing discontent and discomfort towards experiences that contradict your values and beliefs. However, when the feeling of disgust consumes your everyday life and makes you physically ill, that's when you know it's starting to cross into unhealthy territory. It can impact your physical health and lead to the development of anxiety and depression, as it has with me. I was unfortunately subjected to years of abusive treatment from incestuous individuals. Not only did they act with a disregard for my boundaries, but they took pleasure in it. It's despicable and their treatment of me doesn't seem to improve as time passes. In fact, it only seems to worsen. The level of disgust I felt because of this maltreatment manifested itself physically. I found myself throwing up every other day for a year, as my body was revolting against th

The Dangers of fleeing violent Incestuous Gay Predators Alone

A Man punching something- image Source: Pexels  I  have struggled to put into words the chaos and tumult that has been my life. As a single, straight woman, I am often expected to walk the lines of a quiet, pleasing, life; never venturing into the realm of societal disruption. Yet, that was never an option for me. My reality was so far removed from the rose-colored norms. Life decided to throw me onto a battlefield at an early age. Instead of being on the playground, enjoying the simplicities of life, I found myself fleeing for survival from traumatic experiences. I became the prey to predators cloaked as protectors. Gay men that sexually abused me. Stalked by a bunch of lesbians who practiced incest. People who exploited their power to terrify and scar a defenseless, innocent child. As is the natural instinct of every being in grave danger, I ran, but my tormentors would follow me wherever I would go. A sad reality of today's society is the formation of gangs; some representing t

Unraveling Injustice: My Struggles as a Straight Woman in a Predominantly Gay City

A document on a laptop screen- Image Source: Unsplash  As a human being, it is within your nature to be supportive of others. To root for their success, and offer a helping hand whenever they may be in need. However, it can feel extremely disheartening when the same level of support is not reciprocated, or even recognized. The feeling can further escalate when you see the same individuals you were so devoted to supporting, now demeaning your hard work, ridiculing your achievements or mocking your shortcomings. I've been writing for the past two years and have been actively engaged in documenting the world as I see it. So far, I have produced four books but unfortunately, they haven't been well-received in terms of sales. Nonetheless, the motivation to bring about awareness continues to drive me, and currently, I'm working on my fifth book, shedding light on the effects of bullying. A big part of my personal life story is also intertwined with my living situation. My resid